Sunday, January 20, 2008

So I am a procastinator and this blog shows it. I always think there
are more hours in the day than there are and the hours I have I don't
use very effectively. But I am working on that among many other things
this year.
Just a quick update on our family. We took a trip to see Mickey Mouse in early
December and it was wonderful. We did The Magic Kingdom on the first night
and then back the next day, then we took a day to relax at the resort and swim,
and the last day was spent at SeaWorld. When we left Florida it was 82 degrees and it was 32 degrees here in Omaha. That took a little getting used to. Jack is a
good traveler so I am sure there will be other trips in the future.
Christmas brought a nice visit from Gramma Karen. She stayed for about a week
and we all enjoyed having her here. Santa brought Jack a big Tonka truck and the
Wizard of Oz DVD. The child loves the movie. He even sings his own version of "We're
off to see the Wizard" (Very cute)
This month has been pretty boring. We did try a weekend potty training bootcamp
We laid some plastic down and set the timer and had Jack sit on the potty every 30 minutes. We had a little success but not a lot since then. I don't want to push him
but I also feel he is pretty ready. Secretly I hope he wakes up one day and doesn't
like diapers anymore but realistically I just don't think that will happen. So we will continue on our quest.
I hope to post some pictures very soon. Have a great week!